Thursday, October 12, 2006

ZOMG! Alliance in AV is Easy Mode. Mostly.

Well, first ever time Arcarius, my Night Elf Hunter, got into Alterac Valley, the Horde decimated us! It was incredible. After losing so many times with Msaker I was expecting quick wins. No such luck for me. First time in AV was a loss.

I also hate the fact that for Msaker the AV queue pops in less than a minute, Arcarius waited over 30 minutes for each of the matches he played in. The 2nd two times: Wins. And so easy. Arcarius can literally ride up to the keep with only the archers in the towers troubling him. NPC's don't aggro. You've got to go out of your way to find them.

Anyway. I'll head back for more with him. But first impression: Alliance, don't know why, just have it so easy in AV. Yay for Arcarius.

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